Thursday, May 25, 2006

wat a job! wat a laife!!!

i blame my mom for this!!! for this torture, this super-heavy-duty commitment, this heart-wrenching heartache, this oh-so-achy bodyache, this super-multitasking development that makes me seem like a madman, ...

this bliss...

Monday, May 15, 2006

wat am i...? does it matter?

i was reading my sec 3 students' bl0gs - their assignment regarding their pers0nal attributes and what makes them them, h0w they came to realise wh0 they are t0day...

i read them, and i'm very, very glad t0 see that my students are actually thinking individuals - they do kn0w, to a certain extent, wh0 they are and why they are such... this reflection, th0ugh it may n0t seem much to 0thers, is invaluable to me, as it heartens me to know that my kids are ... human. (i know, wat mush... wat to d0, i'm lit to the c0re!)

0ne of the reas0ns why i gave them the assignment was to make them think, reflect abt themselves as a human, and h0pefully, extend this thinking to 0thers, as in, put themselves in others' sh0es... okay, i may n0t have achieved the latter, but i believe it will come so0n... i definitely see the p0tential!!!

i went thru this pr0cess myself (not that i'm saying i'm a w0nderful person n0w... heheh) and i really believed that it made me a better person... m0re human, actually... nevertheless, i 0nly realised this reflecting capability a few years ag0, after being with a wonderful pers0n who made me think m0re humanly than i thought p0ssible 0f myself. of course, i may have started reflecting much, much earlier with0ut realising tt i was actually d0ing it, especially abt my life, but i am consci0us of it now more than ever... i think it's very, very imp0rtant that one reflects c0nsciously... otherwise, the reflecti0n(s) may come t0 naught [wat a scary t0t]... as in, when i wasn't reflecting consci0usly, i did realise certain things abt myself, but when i did it c0nsciously, i 'ev0lved' to be 0ne who reflects abt h0w other pe0ple may be feeling to0, and i felt i became m0re human, as i then did n0t wish to make 0thers feel as shitty as i did...

if i were t0 write abt the pr0cesses i went thru t0 reach this stage of kn0wing myself, it'll be pages n pages, and i'll be ign0ring more of my marking (wat a nice t0t!!! ;P) !!! but enuff said, i think my kids are smart and human enuff t0 understand wat i'm like w/o having me to spell it 0ut to them...

and... it makes us understand one an0ther more, i h0pe... (Gosh, i'm really pr0ud of them! ewww!!! ;P)

huMan reLati0nS - waT elsE cd Be mOre imPortAnt? isN't th@t waT lifE is alL aBt? giVe mE 0ne, jUst onE, eXampLe
of s0MeOne wH0's haPpY wiTh hiS/hEr lIfe wheN tHeiR huMan rElatiOnshiPs aRe
~yes, it matters... definitely~

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

double standards? or fickle-minded?

it's interesting to see how a person's standards can change... and does this apply only to lady bosses? don't male bosses have double standards too? are they never fickle? (and you know damn well i'm not talking about their loyalty to partners here...)

therefore, if my boss changes its mind, (or standards, as it were, in my case...) it wd have to mean that my job standards wd have to change, too, wdn't it? so, since i'm the carry-out-er, it wd seem to others tt it's MY freaking standards tt have changed, wdn't it? it wd seem that I'M the freaking one who's inconsistent, etc...

BUT, if i DON'T follow, it wd then mean i'm not a good worker, not a good subordinate, incapable of adaptability, carrying out orders, etc...


left f0ot
or right fo0t: to be shot...

~a leader???~

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

wat's happening?!!!

i was "enlightened" by my colleagues regarding what my students are actually smsing to each other nowadays, and my instant thought bubble, "OMG!!! wat's happening?! am i like that?! am i that bad?!"

actual fact is, I'm not that bad, i'm not like that, not nearly as crude, at least. Nevertheless, it doesn't make me any better, cos the intentions are the same.

I guess that was a reality check slapping right across my face cos, deep down, I know that such things are happening, but i never wanted to face it, i guess. When I hear about it, i try not to be judgemental, but when it happens right in front of my eyes, i cdn't take it. WHY? i donno... worse still, i have been believing that such is the norm, and the individual itself has to decide its own lifepath. Do i even believe in my own principles then? Does the fact that these are kids make them less viable for their own actions? i teach them to have their own values, but now i can't help but make it for them and insist that they follow... WHY??

Does the fact that these are students make the situation, or rather, my reaction thus? Or is it because they are MY students?
Is it age? It is race? Is it relations?

Or am I OMGing because of the mirror put in front of me?

The smses were crude but loving. or is it loving but crude? then , does the fact that i'm not as crude make me any better? or doesn't it???

~i'm teaching them but what is teaching?~

Monday, May 01, 2006

should i believe wat is said?

this blog was actually set up for my kids, my lifeline at the moment - the reason why i do the things i most single-handedly don't believe in doing...

i hate teaching, but i love teaching... so i guess, i hate being a teacher, but i love teaching my kids. believe it or not, i love them. as much as i hate them, i love them, as much as they hate me, i know they need me. and i want them to need me... why? they give me more heartache than i care to imagine, they make me want to give up, and yet i don't. is this hope? is this love? is this... crap? i think so. but i'm still wanting this crap...

there are so many things happening in one's life at a single moment... believe it or not, even as an adult, as someone who's supposed to guide others, there are many aspects in my life i'm not handling too well. But, given a chance to live it all over, i would do it exactly the same... y? i donno... faith? maybe... fate? maybe... life? definitely.

so many people say so many things to me, but do i listen? should i? are they worth listening to? are they jugding me for wat is best for me, or wat is best for them? how do they know wat's best for me when they haven't lived my life?

as such, the values that i'm trying to instill in my kids - are they values for me or for them? how do i judge wat's good for them? am i instilling wat i'm instilling thru discipline because i believe in those values, or because it's my job? do i even believe in my job? am i being a hypocrite like what i despise in others?

somehow, i believe that society is making me be a hypocrite, and in order to survive, i am being one. there are so many things i don't believe in, but i need to do. as much as i hate it, the more hypocritical i am, the more i'm seen as someone with potential... the potential to deceive? sheesh... such is life? maybe i shd just end it all...
